5 Daily Habits to Boost Your Fertility

February 24, 2020 | Bonné

Yes Mom

Top Things to Know:

  • Women’s fertility is associated with mental, physical and emotional well-being.
  • Evaluating your daily habits is one of the first steps to boost your fertility.
  • Regular exercise, healthy diet, low stress level, and getting enough sleep are the core habits to follow if you want to increase your chance of getting pregnant.
  • As well as having regular sex, of course!.

Being fertile is not just about having sex at the right time, you needs the right daily habits to boost fertility! Being able to get pregnant is linked to healthy habits. Our fertility is deeply associated with our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. If you are struggling to conceive, you may want to step back and evaluate your daily habits!

What we have here are 5 effective daily habits for you to follow (easily!) to boost your fertility and prepare your body for a pregnancy!


1. Exercise everyday

One of the basic things to do is to get your body moving. Yes, a 30-45-minute workout or physical activity daily helps keep your body fit and maintains your hormonal balance. You can choose an exercise that suits you best, whether it be yoga, aerobics, running, gymming, or even a brisk walk.

But be careful of over-exercise! Over-exercising that over strain your body can be harmful to your health and fertility.


2. Eat right

Your body needs to be well-nourished in order to conceive and carry a baby to term. While some foods are important for overall health, some foods are required to boost fertility.

Women are encouraged to eat food that is rich in:

Vitamins and Folic Acid

These nutrients protect the released egg from free radical damage in the body.. Vitamins such as B3,  B6 and B9 and B12, minerals such as zinc and iron, and other nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics.  

 Folic acid in the woman’s body not only boosts her fertility but is also crucial for foetal development during the early days of pregnancy, and prevents many diseases in the child. Foods like eggs, legumes, beetroots, leafy greens, Brussel sprouts, broccoli and citrus fruits are rich in folic acid. A woman must also eat antioxidant-rich food such as nuts, berries, beans, legumes and leafy greens.

Foods that are rich in fiber

Fruits (apples, bananas, strawberries, etc.), vegetables(green vegetables), legumes, whole grains and nuts help reduce excess toxins, keep blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels within optimum levels and help the body eliminate excess hormones.


If you are a seafood lover, you are in for some good news. A study conducted by The Endocrine Society shows that couples who frequently eat seafood and have frequent sex tend to get pregnant faster than their opposite counterparts.[1]

Low-carb diet

Low-carb diet can help you maintain a healthy weight. Excess carbohydrates can cause you to put on weight and an increased weight reduces fertility!


3. Manage stress

Chronic stress is a leading cause of lifestyle health conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hormonal imbalance, obesity and diabetes. There are many studies that prove stress is another major cause of infertility in both men and women.

In India, women are often pressurised to get pregnant. But, this stress can affect their fertility [2]. It affects hormones and ovulation, and thereby, chances of conception. 

So, in order to boost your fertility, it is essential to beat stress by practising meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or pursuing a hobby or activity that you love.


4. Have healthy sex

Remember to enjoy having sex, not just force it because you want a baby. Having a healthy sex life is important for couples who are trying to conceive. Having good sex frequently throughout a month improves a woman’s chance of getting pregnant and keeps her emotionally and mentally happy. Regular sex also keeps the intimacy alive in your relationship which is important to your overall health and wellbeing too.


5. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is harmful to your body. When you don’t have enough sleep, your body is unable to reboot and rejuvenate. It disrupts your body’s clock, lowers your body’s energy, and messes up your hormonal system. These have significant effects on your fertility. So, in order to boost your fertility and increase your chances of conception, it is absolutely important to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep every night!


Now let’s have a look at a few things you must NOT do!

  • Avoid unhealthy habits, like smoking and drinking.
  • Limit your caffeine intake.
  • Do not ignore signs of stress.
  • Do not randomly follow diet fads that can harm your body’s nutrition.


Keeping track of your hormones by using Yesmom fertility test is also another way to boost your fertility, as it helps you be aware of changes or conditions that may affect your ability to get pregnant.

[1] Seafood-rich diet may help couples get pregnant faster, Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Available at https://www.endocrine.org/news-and-advocacy/news-room/2018/seafoodrich-diet-may-help-couples-get-pregnant-faster,

 [2] Kristin L. Rooney, BA and Alice D. Domar, PhD, The Relationship between stress and infertility, Dialogues in clinical neuroscience vol. 20,1 (2018): 41-47, Available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6016043/

Aimee Raupp, 5 Healthy Habits to Boost, Available at Fertilityhttps://www.mother.ly/lifestyle/5-healthy-habits-boost-fertility

Fertility diet, best foods and lifestyle habits to boost fertility and sperm count, Hindustan Times, Available at https://www.hindustantimes.com/fitness/fertility-diet-best-foods-and-lifestyle-habits-to-boost-fertility-and-sperm-count/story-ZLN6MjB8OTYrZWwuja1nMM.html

Lifestyle Changes that may boost Fertility, UW Health, Available at https://www.uwhealth.org/infertility/lifestyle-changes-that-may-boost-fertility/50420